Happy Halloween !

I have never celebrated Halloween in my childhood. I can’t put the blame on my parents except on the communist society in which we lived then. Even communism has not been able to change people’s faith in religion. And that’s why  at the beginning of November we commemorate the deceased people.  I mean in a night determined by the church we were going to the cemetery where we light candles and place them on tomb of our beloved ones. It was an unforgettable evening where the cemetery is converted into oases of light, thanks to hundreds of lighted candles in the memory of those in eternity.


courtesy of http://www.evz.ro/

What remains after humans are only candles which burn in the night to bring the light into the darkness. It is an amazing imagine. In that evening, around the graves, we were listening to beautiful stories about our grandparent parents, which for me were fascinating. They were beautiful stories about the deceased. I remember that while I was listening to the stories I was watching their tombstone and I was trying to I imagine their face and likeness. But the most important for a child were cakes and cookies that people give them like alms for the loved one. It was the favorite cake or cookie of the deceased one, another way to find out more about them.

Photos curtsey of http://g1b2i3.wordpress.com

These traditions have created unforgettable memories and it is what I want to do, beginning new traditions while we integrate it into the Canadian society. Just to be clear I am not and I will never be into the horror crap. I think that the horror crap in an invention of the sick and bored part of the human brain. I am trying to perceive the good roles of Halloween. One of them and the most important for me are spending time with my family using the artistic part it. Garnishing the house inside outside with Halloween decorations and carving pumpkin together with my daughter are most significant parts of the Halloween for me.  Then is the part of giving candy to the kid that I am seeing like alms for the loved one.

I have some pictures that I want to share with you.

Happy and safe  Halloween!

Photos 1 courtesy of http://www.evz.ro/

Photos 2 courtesy of http://g1b2i3.wordpress.com

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